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Folk- und Gospellieder
Lieder zu Ostern
Herbst Lieder und Gedichte

Folk- und Gospellieder
A Child is born in Bethlehem
A deeper love
A little child may know
All around my hat
All day all night
All my trials
Almighty most holy god
Amazing grace
At the cross
Banks of the Ohio
Blowing In The Wind
Old Mc Donald had a farm
Rock of Ages
There is a house in New Orleans
When the Battle's Over

A Child is born in Bethlehem

A Child is born in Bethlehem;
Exult for joy, Jerusalem! Alleluia.

Lo, He who reigns above the skies
There, in a manger lowly, lies. Alleluia.

The ox and ass in neighbouring stall
See in that Child the Lord of all. Alleluia.

And kingly pilgrims, long foretold,
From East bring incense, myrrh, and gold, Alleluia.

And enter with their offerings,
To hail the new-born King of Kings. Alleluia.

He comes, a maiden mother's Son,
Yet earthly father hath He none; Alleluia.

And, from the serpent's poison free,
He owned our blood and pedigree. Alleluia.

Our feeble flesh and His the same,
Our sinless kinsman He became, Alleluia.

That we, from deadly thrall set free,
Like Him, and so like God, should be. Alleluia.

Come then, and on this natal day,
Rejoice before the Lord and pray. Alleluia.

And to the Holy One in Three
Give praise and thanks eternally. Alleluia.

tr. Hamilton Montgomerie MacGill, 1876

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