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Folk- und Gospellieder
Lieder zu Ostern
Herbst Lieder und Gedichte

Folk- und Gospellieder
A Child is born in Bethlehem
A deeper love
A little child may know
All around my hat
All day all night
All my trials
Almighty most holy god
Amazing grace
At the cross
Banks of the Ohio
Blowing In The Wind
Old Mc Donald had a farm
Rock of Ages
There is a house in New Orleans
When the Battle's Over

Almighty most holy god

Almighty, most Holy God; faithful through the ages.
Almighty, most Holy Lord; glorious almighty God.
The beasts of the field, the birds of the air
are silent to call your name.
The earth has no voice and I have no choice
but to magnify God unashamed.
Let the rocks be kept silent for one more day.
Let the whole world sing out. Let the people say:
Almighty, most Holy God; faithful through the ages.
Almighty, most Holy Lord; glorious almighty God.
Well time marches on with innocence gone,
and a darkness has covered the earth.
But His spirit dwells, He speaks, "It is well"
and the hopeless still offered new birth.
He will break the leash of death, it will have no sting,
let the prisoner go free, Join the dance and sing.
Almighty, most Holy God; faithful through the ages.
Almighty, most Holy Lord; glorious almighty God.

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